Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Questions For The Fisherman:
Fisherman's Name (required)
Fisherman's Region (required)
Boat Name
Fisherman Telephone
Have you witnessed a decrease in your local fish stocks in the past few years? YesNo
If you have witnessed a decrease in your local fish stocks do you think it is a result of over-fishing? YesNo
What kind of fisherman are you?
Which kind of fishing method is practising non sustainable methods?
Do you think that measures should be taken to correct the impact of over fishing? YesNo
If yes, do you think Marine Protected Areas are a good solution? YesNo
Do you know what a Marine Protected Area is? YesNo
Do you think Marine Protected Areas would benefit the local fishing communities? YesNo
Do you think Marine Protected Areas would benefit Tourism and the expansion of the summer season? YesNo
Would you like to join a group of Greek artisanal fishermen who’s goal is to secure ways to enhance your fishing production and livelihood? YesNo
Any Comments?